In the picturesque environment of an eighteenth century mansion, Villa Toderini captivates every traveler with its warm ambiance filled with the amenities and services of a 4-star hotel, qualities that are unique for holiday farmhouses.
The rooms are located in a refined house connected to Villa Toderini and are furnished in rustic style with a modern twist, with quiet and functional common spaces, reception and breakfast room overlooking the secular garden.
Ideal for a romantic weekend or business trip in the province of Treviso, the Villa Toderini relais is a residence of charm where all guests can find their dimension and feel immediately at home.
Pier Luca Bonicelli and his wife await you at Villa Toderini, in the environments of their holiday farmhouse, which is welcoming and filled of charm just like the best relais. The love for the territory and its traditions as well as a sincere passion for receiving people will make a holiday at Villa Toderini a memorable experience in the heart of each of our esteemed guests.
Built in the eighteenth century based on the project of architect Gerolamo Frigimelica, to whom we owe the magnificent Villa Pisani in Stra, Villa Toderini was the residence of the Toderni De Gajardis counts, Venetian patricians who loved the charming rural landscape and splendid architecture of the villa.
Here, in this romantic and enchanting environment, the poet Ugo Foscolo, a regular visitor to the Toderini family, found inspiration for some of his poems and dedicated two odes to the monastic vows of Maria Toderini Pappafava.
The facade, in full 18th-century style, with the family crest, faces the large lawn on which there are shrub trees and hedges that make the park, featuring wonderful sculptures and a beautiful fish pond, unique.
Today, Villa Toderini has maintained the original atmosphere that makes special each of its corners, such as the small Church, two "barchesse" (the rustic wings of the villa), and tended Italian-style garden.
A holiday at Villa Toderini transports each guest to a far away time, where the boundaries between dream and reality pleasantly mingle, leaving the charm of an exclusive and unforgettable stay.
Only by booking now here, on the Official Website, you'll find the best rates on the web!
We do not accept pets.
Via Roma 4/A, 31013 Codognè - Treviso, Italy | Tel.
AGRITURISMO VILLA TODERINI di Bonicelli Pier Luca - Via Roma 8 - 31013 Codognè, Italia - P.IVA 02223600269
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